The user declares that he is of legal age (over 18 years of age) and that he has the necessary legal capacity to contract the services offered by David Mauri Hierro (Viatges Némon Vacaciones y Ocio, SL), stating that he accepts the binding of this agreement and fully understands and accepts the conditions announced here for the use of the website and the services offered.
David Mauri Hierro (Viatges Némon Vacaciones y Ocio, SL), is not responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data filled in by the user and, therefore, cannot verify their age.
The reservation will be considered effective once the total amount of the activity has been paid.
Payment Methods:
Schedules : the client, from the moment he contracts the services, knows and accepts the obligation to scrupulously comply with the schedules. The meeting time will always be 5 minutes before the start time. In the event that a participant arrives 10 minutes late, they will automatically lose all rights to the service.
The client declares that they have been informed of the situation and requirements of the country/countries that are the object of their excursion in accordance with the information published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and that they are therefore aware of the characteristics and possible risks of all kinds from the country/countries of destination.
Taking into account that delays would entail additional expenses on equipment, vehicles and guide fees, VIATGES NÉMON would reserve the right to apply a plus in the event that the client expressed by telephone his desire for the guide to wait to carry out activity.
VIATGES NÉMON is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal effects or materials. It is not necessary or mandatory to bring any material for carrying out the activities. We do recommend the use of binoculars during activities around the Ebro Delta. However, VIATGES NÉMON is not responsible for the loss or material damage that the client’s material may suffer.
The company is not responsible for material or personal damage that may be caused during the provision of the service or as a consequence thereof. If the client accepts the use of their material (vehicle, binoculars, telescope, etc.) VIATGES NÉMON is not responsible for any material or personal damage or harm that the execution of the service may have implied for the clients.
Rain, wind and bad weather in general, depending on the intensity, can be an inconvenience to carry out our services, suspending the activity if the guides deem it appropriate. In this case, a change of date or activity will be proposed, VIATGES NÉMON is not obliged to make refunds due to these meteorological causes beyond its control.
The activity may include travel from the accommodation to the start of the activity. In general, the displacements must be made with the clients’ vehicles. If the clients do not have their own vehicle to travel at the beginning of the activity or for carrying it out, VIATGES NÉMON will offer them the transfer service until the beginning of the activity, as well as the possibility of carrying out the tour with a vehicle from the company. This type of request will mean an increase in the base price of the activity. Consult our staff for the current rates for these services.
VIATGES NÉMON is aligned with the guidelines of sustainability and respect for the natural environment. Therefore, it is mandatory to:
The guide will offer the start in Catalan as long as everyone understands the language. In the absence of compliance with this requirement, the guide will offer the activity in Spanish and/or English or French. The tours can be bilingual with a local language that can be Catalan or Spanish and the second language French or English. In front of a group with different languages, the guide will ask the clients which languages they understand and the tour will be offered bilingually. In no case will a trilingual tour be offered since it makes it very difficult to carry out the activity.
These contractual conditions of services are mandatory and the client, from the moment he makes the payment, acknowledges, accepts and assumes that all attendees under his reservation have read and accept the conditions thereof.
Patricia Alfonso Landa25/02/2025 Muy bien organizado y la guía Anabel muy profesional , cercana y conocedora del tema . Un encanto Josep Campà24/02/2025 Hem passat uns dies genials visitant el Delta. Una atenció molt propera amb una gran guia, Anabel, super recomanable. Daniel Blasco Ruiz16/02/2025 Una actividad muy recomendable. Pep hace que la ruta sea muy didactica, entretenida y amena. Hemos pasado una mañana y muy agradable conociendo el delta y su entorno. Lo recomiendo para entender y conocer la biodiversidad del delta y su importacia. Gracias a David por organizarlo. Maria de Barnola15/02/2025 Pasamos una tarde fabulosa recorriendo el Delta viendo cantidad de aves en su habitat. La guía, Jacqueline, excelente. Nos contó historia, curiosidades, anécdotas. Una experiencia 100% recomendable! Ricardo Barrera27/01/2025 Fantástica excursión por el Parque Nacional del Delta del Ebro, con visita al Ecomuseu donde Jaqueline nos explicó en detalle la formación, desarrollo y vida del Delta del Ebro. Después visitamos diferentes miradores del Delta para conocer la diversa flora y fauna del Delta. Gracias Jaqueline, los niños disfrutaron y aprendieron mucho. Pedro Redon Villanueva27/01/2025 Que experiencia más bonita !!!Muchas gracias Jacqueline por transmitirnos la historia del Delta . Nuestra hija Jimena no para de recordarte. Muchísimas gracias por la atención tan cercana, se nota que disfrutas de tú trabajo . Un abrazo !! Mia Fuentes17/12/2024 Va sortir com un pla improvitzat i mos vam emportar un record trepidant del pont. Ens va encantar gaudir de l’avistament d’aus amb la guia Jaqui! És una experta i a més ho fa molt amé i didàctic! Ens va fer partícips de la lluita silenciosa dels ebrencs, del valor incalculable de la fauna i la flora del territori i mos va oferir una contextualització necessària per apreciar-ho encara més. Sens dubte ho repetiríem! Un plaer! Gràcies, Jaqui! mechthild ludwig22/11/2024 Wir hatten eine geführte Tour gebucht. Pep wurde uns als Guide vermittelt. Er war pünktlich am vereinbarten Ort. Wir hatten eine wunderbare Tour mit ihm.Er vermittelte uns viel Wissen über die Flora und Fauna im Ebrodelta. Er kennt sich super aus mit allen Tieren die hier leben. Highlights waren die Sichtung eines Eisvogels und der Flug eines Habichts mit einem gefangenen Fisch .Pep nahm sich Zeit uns die Flamingos zu zeigen und ihr Verhalten zu erklären..Er weiß aber genauso viel zu berichten über die Bewirtschaftung der Reisfelder und über die Ökologischen Entwicklungen im Delta. Wir haben gespürt wie er seine Heimat liebt und schätzt. Die Agentur können wir sehr weiterempfehlen, Sie arbeiten da mit Herz und Verstand.
© Copyright Viatges Némon 2023 - Agencia de viajes Nº: GC2676